Husbands aren't always quite as quick to get on board with healthy. Who wants to spend the time and energy in cooking two separate meals? And what about getting kids to eat something different? The challenges are real!
Small steps and little changes over time add up to big wins! Every change you make makes a difference!
- Have less candy or sweets to around the house. If you don't have it, other healthier options look more inviting.
- Upgrade the quality of your food by choosing brands without MSG or corn syrup.
- Upgrade your breakfast to include protein and fats rather than just carbs and sugar. Protein smoothies, eggs or sausage are good options.
- Switch from canned fruits and veggies to frozen or fresh
- Use water bottles for everyone in the house instead of cups. This makes it easier to track your water goal (1/2 your body weight in ounces) and less dishes!!
Tip #2- Batch cook and freeze food in small portions
If you are following a specific food plan, take a day to cook food you can freeze in small portions. Then you have easy options if the meal you are making for the family doesn't fit your food plan. This eliminates the need to make two meals.
Tip #3- Make mutual changes
Find things that seem do-able for everyone. It's more fun and easier when everyone is on board. Something that everyone can participate in and be excited about.
Maybe it's setting an earlier bedtime. Or scheduling play or family nights to work on stress. Or committing to a specific amount of time outside together or even family exercise.
Tip #4- Track and celebrate together
Make changes fun! Create a tracking system with stickers, checkmarks or whatever works for you. Decide on a reward for meeting your family's or personal goals. Maybe it's inviting friends over, buying a new game or going some where together.
Tip #5- Make changes that effect the whole household
There are changes that you can make for one person that effect the whole household. Celebrate that when you do something for you, it benefits everyone!
- Water filter
- Diffusing essential oils
- EMF blockers/turning off Wifi at night
- House plants
- Air filters
- Switching to non toxic cleaners/self care products
- Using a toaster oven instead of a microwave
- Glass containers instead of plastics