We live in a stressful world. No one is exempt from it. Whether it's physical, emotional, financial, relational or chemical stress, our bodies all perceive it as stress.
WHY A HORMONE TEST?Why would I need a hormone test? And what would it tell me? WHY:
Although these have become part of so many people's lives, they are all signs that your hormones might need some attention:
HOW: When our body perceives stress (whether chemical, physical or emotional stress), it sends a series of signals from our brain to our adrenal glands. This is the body's normal response and increases cortisol and adrenaline to appropriately respond to the stress. As the body adapts to stress, the hormone levels return to normal. However with ongoing stress, the levels in the body start to become imbalanced. WHAT: A Salivary Hormone Profile shows you how your body is responding to this signaling pathway and where you are in the stress response. It gives a picture of whether you are in an acute stage of stress or whether you have been dealing with stress for long periods of time. It will also show how the stress response is impacting sex hormone levels. It includes the following markers:
Really, it is a big picture of how your body is responding and handling stress and how that manifests in the things you are struggling with in every day life. It truly gives you answers and connects what you feel to what is going on in your body! Learn more about salivary hormone testing. LIFE IS BETTER WITH COPAIBA Do you struggle with sleep, anxious feelings, poor digestion or poor circulation? Do you wish that you had something that would just make your life better and more comfortable? Copaiba is an essential oil that most people have never heard about. It comes from the copaiba tree which is native to South America. The main constitute of Copaiba is beta-caryophyllene which is powerfully relaxing, soothing and supports your endocannabinoid system. This system in your body is responsible for managing inflammation and bringing the body systems into balance. SO HOW IS LIFE BETTER WITH COPAIBA?
Does this sound like an oil you would like to try? I would be happy to share a sample of this with you so you can also feel power and support of this amazing oil! Or if you don't want to wait, get yours now! 3 KEY BENEFITS TO DEEP BREATHING1- REDUCE STRESS AND ANXIETY
Deep breathing calms the body, helps it feel safe and counteracts the body's "fight or flight" response. It releases tension which can improve things such as high blood pressure, headaches, muscle tension and sleep. It can also help lower cortisol which can help with weight loss, emotional balance and exhaustion. 2- CAN IMPROVE DIGESTION Constipation, diarrhea, indigestion and a hiatal hernia can result from tension and anxiousness. Deep breathing can improve the gut brain connection, improve physical responses to stress and release tension in the solar plexus. 3- REMOVAL OF TOXINS Our lungs is one of our detox organs. 70% of toxins can be released if we are breathing properly. This makes our body and our brains healthy. How to Deep Breath Deep breathing strengthens your diaphragm and allows your lungs to fully expand creating better oxygen exchange and strengthening core muscles. *Sit in a comfortable position and place your hand on your stomach *With your mouth closed, breath in and allow your lungs to fully expand. The hand on your stomach should move out. *Hold your breath for a count of 7. *Slowly release your breath while blowing air out from your mouth until you have completely exhaled. *Continue deep breathing for 5-10 minutes You can also do square breathing for extra support for the nervous system. *Breathe in for 4 seconds *Hold for 4 seconds *Breathe out for 4 seconds *Hold for 4 seconds ARE YOU NORMAL? WHAT DOES YOUR GUT TELL YOU? I am amazed at how many people I know think that having a bowel movement every other day is normal! Or easily dismiss bloating, gas and indigestion as something that everyone deals with. It doesn't have to be that way! Our gut health is so important and tied to so many other functions in our body!
How to support a healthy gut:
5 WAYS TO START THE NEW YEAR OFF RIGHT January-that time of year when the holiday festivities leave us feeling a few pounds heavier, a little more brain fogged and a little less energetic than we'd like to be. It's a New Year and a great time to reset our routines and choices! Here are five simple ways to start the New Year off right!
![]() It IS possible to have happy hormones! Yes, I know many of you are thinking that you have been dealing with this for years but it is possible! And not just by masking the issues but by really getting to the root causes. What it requires is a holistic approach to your hormones with a focus on these areas. Using these, I have been able to help myself and my clients find balance with their hormones. All it takes is a commitment to your health and proper coaching along the way. Sleep- This is when the body detoxes, heals and recharges. If you aren't sleeping well, your body can't do what it needs to do. Stress- Stress is a huge player with hormones. You can do all the other things right but if you don't manage your stress, you won't be able to achieve the results you want. Improve Gut Health- This is where it all starts. If you aren't absorbing nutrients or your gut is inflamed, it's hard to make progress with your hormones Balance Blood Sugar- Insulin plays a key role in hormone levels as well as weight management. Reduce Toxins- Many toxins are endocrine disruptors, meaning they interrupt the hormone function in our bodies. It's essential to remove them from your body and your environment. Nutrition- If your body doesn't have the minerals and vitamins it needs, the body systems can't function like they should. Nutrients are the building blocks for hormone function and production. Would you like to get started with me to change your hormones? I offer several options for coaching you with your health. 3 month plan- A Whole Body Reset
6 month plan- Personalized Wellness Plan
Spring is the perfect time to detox! Your body is already naturally detoxing to help it move from winter to spring.
But why do we need to detox? Overtime we pick up toxins from our environment in the air, the chemicals added to the ground, food and products we use and from the things we put on our bodies. Toxins disrupt our hormone balance, contribute to inflammation, digestion & respiratory problems, weight gain and poor sleep to name a few. Detoxing promotes:
What is the best detox for you?
If this seems overwhelming, contact me and I would be happy to customize a detox plan for you! *Can be purchased at the Country Cupboard in Fairbury, IL. ![]() It was one of those days.... I had a rough day at work and needless to say, I didn't come home in the best mood! I was cranky and whiny and my poor sister patiently listened while I vented. She quietly went to diffuser in the kitchen and put in a few drops of Balance. After 10 minutes of being home, I was feeling much better. In fact, I thought to myself that my day wasn't really that bad and I totally over reacted. I shared this with my sister and she smiled and said, "That's because I put Balance in the diffuser!" This was my first experience with Balance and after feeling the difference, it has become part of my daily routine. I roll it on the bottom of my foot in combination with Serenity essential oil. I also have a small bottle of it that I keep in my purse and I feel anxious and stressed, I open the bottle and smell it or rub a little drop on the insides of my wrist. I have seen this oil calm babies, anxious dogs and confused grandmas! It's an oil that I recommend to almost everyone because who of us doesn't need a little bit more grounding and a little less stress in our lives? If you don't have this amazing oil and would like a sample, please let me know and I would be happy to send one to you! Or you can get a whole bottle for yourself! ![]() In my daily interactions with women, it seems like the topic of hormones frequently come up. I hear conversations like, "I think my hormones aren't balanced. What is the best way to know?" and "I'm suffering from really bad mood swings for no reason," and "My husband says 'Please ask Becky to help you with your PMS'". We all have hormones and they are beautiful, amazing things when they are balanced. Hormones are responsible for our metabolism, regulating body temperature, healthy inflammation levels, building muscles and bones, sleep cycles, stress levels, weight, energy and many other body functions. But in the society we live in, it's easy for hormone imbalance to be a real thing that many women deal with! Pain, irritability, fatigue, weight gain, difficulty sleeping, poor digestion, food sensitivities are all symptoms of imbalanced hormones. Stress, nutrition, exercise and toxins are fundamental building blocks of healthy hormones. With a little awareness of what your body is telling you, some education about how the body works combined with diligence and time will go a long way to bringing your hormones back into the balance that God intended them to be. I would love to encourage you on that journey! I offer a 6 month personalized program to help you restore that balance using supplements, lifestyle modifications, nutrition education and encouragement along the way. Email me to schedule a time for us to start your program! |
Our lives are too precious not to be nurtured! My vision is to inspire you to greater health and wellness! Stop by often!
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