Some people love this time of year. And some people hate it. While some of the reasons this season is stressful and painful can't be changed, somethings can. Here are a few tips to making this season just a little bit better than the year before!

Don't wait until you are in the middle of the holiday season to realize you are overwhelmed. Sit down now and decide what things are most important to you and what you want to be part of your holidays.
Reflect back on the previous Christmas season. What went well? What didn't go well? What would you change to make it better this year?
Maybe it's time at home alone enjoying Christmas music and quiet evenings looking at pictures of previous Christmases. Maybe it's baking Christmas treats. Maybe it's a specific tradition like cutting down a Christmas tree or a drive to see Christmas lights. Whatever you want to make sure is part of your holiday season, schedule it in now.
Know your limits and schedule in time for what you need.
If you are someone who recharges by being alone, schedule in time daily or between gatherings to introvert. If you recharge by being with people, try to work your schedule to be able to attend all the social events. If you live with someone who is different than you, talk about what each of you need and make a plan that works so you can both enjoy the holiday season to the fullest.
Managing stress is important for even the easiest times in life but it's especially needed during this time of the year! Schedule in 15-30 minutes every day for "me time" to do something relaxing to slow down your mind and body. Deep breathing, reading, bubble baths, puzzles, hot tea with music or reviewing your day with a friend all things that can restore and relax.
It's easy to let things like sleep and eating well go by the wayside during the holidays. There can be pressure to let things go because it's "just this one time of year". But sometimes the recovery from letting things go is so much more work than protecting and working on maintaining habits during the holidays. Decide what boundaries you need around sleep. Decide which times you can bend on the boundaries and when you need to be disciplined. Telling your host when you need to leave ahead of time can give you accountability, help keep your boundaries and protect your sleep.
With a little intentionality, you can make this Christmas season better and happier for you and for everyone around you!