And speaking of fresh scents of laundry, do you know what gives your laundry it's scent? FRAGRANCE. Fragrance is the term for a companies "patented formula" that they aren't required to disclose. But loaded in "fragrance" are chemicals that our bodies absorb as we wear our clothes all day. These chemicals degrade immune systems, alter hormones, promote free radicals and can cause birth defects and cancer! Learn more about toxins in cleaners at ewg.org
So....these are a few of my favorite non toxic laundry detergents!
1- doTERRA's OnGuard Laundry Detergent
*Free of fragrances, dyes and toxins
*Perfect for top and front loaders
*Color safe and an effective stain remover
*A little goes a long ways- 64 washes per bottle
*Smells amazing
*Wash in all temperatures
*Every bottle has 10 ml of OnGuard Protective Blend essential oil in it!
2- Homemade Toxic Free Laundry Soap
*4 simple ingredients
*Easy to make
*Can personalize scent
*Gentle, non toxic
*Wash in all temperatures
Homemade Laundry Soap:
1 bar shaved Castile bar soap (available at the Country Cupboard)
1/2 cup borax
1/2 cup washing soda
3-15 drops of Purify or OnGuard essential oil (or scent of your choice)
Add 1-2 Tbsp of powder with warm or hot water. If using cold water, first run hot water in washing machine to slightly dissolve so it distributes evening through the clothes. You won't see a lot of suds but your clothes will be spectacularly clean!