Life is hard. And emotions are real. When we find ourselves in this place, sometimes we feel guilt. Guilt because we think we should be stronger and handle life's issues better. Guilt because we feel focused on ourselves and don't have the capacity to be there for other people.
While it's tempting (and maybe even default) to push the emotions away, it is healthy to experience our emotions. And not to just feel them but to process them, work through the situation that triggered them and support our body in the emotions.
A few tips to turn emotional overwhelm from an internal festering wound to a beautiful, healing experience:
1- Give your self permission to feel the emotion and to be ok with how you feel. You might need to tell yourself this out loud or to someone else.
2- Journal how you feel. Write down your regrets and what you need to take ownership for in the situation. Write down all the things you want to let go of in the form of "I forgive...". Write down all the things you wished people would know.
3- Use Console oil. Console soothes feelings of sorrow & grief and promotes feelings of hope and peace. Roll on the inside of wrist or over heart several times a day or when feeling overwhelmed.
4- Nurture yourself by going for walks, spending time with friends, listening to music, making more space in your schedule to just be or whatever brings you joy.
5- Ask Jesus to heal your emotions. Jesus understands what it feels like to be overwhelmed, sad, sorrowing and abandoned. He not only understands but is with us in every emotion we feel. Invite Him to join you in your emotions and to heal your hurts.
6- Give yourself time. It takes time to process and work though hard emotions. Everyone process at a different pace so don't compare yourself to others. Be gentle with yourself and know that in time, healing will come.