So many little things happen to us in a week. In the big picture, they are not "health concerns", but when they happen, they grab our attention.
This week someone reached out to me with stomach upset. It's not always easy to identify what's causing it. It could be anxious feelings, a stuck digestive system, a little tummy bug, lack of sleep, travel, etc.
Here's what I shared with her because she wasn't sure why it was happening.
*Drink lots of water.
*Use magnesium (citrate is best) (this helps with cleaning out the digestive system and with stress).
*Rub Serenity and/or Lavender on your feet or over your heart. (for calming)
*Use Bergamot in water. (for all types of stress)
*Do Deep Breathing (breathe in 5 seconds through nose, hold 5 seconds, breathe out 5 seconds through mouth, repeat 5 times). (for stress)
*Rub DigestZen (or Peppermint) or tummy. (digestive support)
*Rub Ginger on tummy. (calms tummy)
*Rub Lemon on tummy or use in water. (helps move stuck digestion system)
*Use OnGuard on bottom of feet. (immune support).
*Vitamin D3 is helpful for stress and immune support, especially during this time of year.