Later she told me she was having really bad cramps. Again, I reached into my purse and gave her some peppermint oil. At the end of the evening, she commented, "I don't think it's going to be long and I will have my own keychain of oils with me!"
You don't have to just "deal with" these discomforts and challenges in life! Be prepared for anything that comes with these simple tips!
*Around the House- Keep frequently used oils handy by your bedside, in the bathroom and kitchen. You'll use them more often and have better results if they are easily accessible. I like to keep my oils that I use daily on the bottom of my feet in my sock drawer to help me remember to use them.
*Keychain- These small, cute keychains are a life saver! They hold eight small vials of oils so you can support your mood, digestion and any issue that arises.
*Car- Apply oils to a car diffuser, your wrist or add to water to keep you awake, ease stomach discomfort and stress while driving.
*Diaper Bag- This is great place to keep your keychain! Kids love to do the unexpected and you never know when a bumps, scrape or temper tantrum will arise.
Pre-make your oils into rollers and fill your keychain (available at the Country Cupboard) today so you can always be ready for life's emergencies!